The European Music Show
With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

With the European Music Show, middle school students learn foreign languages and have fun!

The European Music Show is a two-year transnational cooperative partnership between European schools, supported by the ERASMUS+ programme (from September 2016 to August 2018). It aims at giving pupils in five countries a taste for foreign languages, by having them design a musical show.

The teachers and students participating in the project design and implement together a music show containing music and lyrics that they have chosen, composed and written themselves. They sing songs in their own language, but also in others'.

The main goals of our project are developing the taste for languages and music, fighting national prejudices related to a poor knowledge of others, building a feeling of European identity, fighting school dropout (by engaging pupils in fun, motivating activities, where all talents are appreciated), and getting acquainted with information and communication technologies by practicing them.

Lindisfarne Middle School pupils


The European Music Show is an intercultural arts project jointly led by five European middle schools:

Collège Alberto Giacometti Paris  (Île-de-France) France
I.C.S. Padre Pino Puglisi Palermo   (Sicily ) Italy
Duchess's Community High School* Alnwick  (Northumberland) United Kingdom
Lise-Meitner Gymnasium Böblingen  (Baden-Württenberg ) Germany
I.E.S. Trayamar Algarrobo  (Andalusia ) Spain
 (* initially Lindisfarne Middle School)

To find out more about The European Music Show, send us an e-mail:

Page last updated on 26/05/2020

Responsables de publication : Lily Abboudi et Pascal Vaillant
Deutsche Fassung: Stefanie Dräger-Spence
Versión española: Pilar Sánchez Montero
Versione italiana: Francesca Cassaro, Mariella Di Maggio

Partner sites

Spectacle Musical Européen im Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium : ERASMUS+ in der Kulturschule Mira adelante (Le Monde est nouveau)

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This project was funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.